About Me


Software engineer 🧑💻. I have experience in creating web services, telegram bots, analytical tools


Indie projects

elka.space - elka.space is a holiday game for New Year’s Eve 2022. You have to play wordle with hints. If you play successfully your Christmas tree grows and gets dressed up.

Go, Postgres, Mongodb, redis, websocket, openapi3, TypeScript/React

Fliger.io - 🐱‍🚀 An analytical web application for researching youtube comment reactions. The project uses neural networks to study emotional tone, entity extraction, and semantic analysis

Go, Mongodb, gRPC, Python/Flask, JavaScript/Vue.js

Bloops - What is bloopsbot? 🤖 This is a telegram bot created to organize offline quizzes

Go, bboltdb

Cribe - is a telegram bot for downloading youtube videos. You just send a link to the bot and it uploads the video to Telegram. Cribe on github

Go, PostgreSQL, Redis, RabbiMQ, Telegram proxy

Ohmytime-bot - is a telegram bot for getting local time in location Ohmytime on github

Go, Bleve

t2r-bot - is a telegram bot for getting tor relays t2r-bot on github t2r on github


Roxe.me - a service for launching mini games, quizzes and quests

Go, Websocket, MongoDB, Redis, JavaScript/Vue.js

Open source

@robotomize - my account on github
